What we did
Brand creative, social, digital, social app

During the X-Factor one of the judge’s houses was based in Saint Lucia.
During the X-Factor on ITV, one of the judge’s houses was based in Saint Lucia. The challenge was to create a social campaign that shows the vibrant energy of Saint Lucia to millions of X-Factor fans.
The concept we created leverages the placement of Saint Lucia on the X-Factor to offer fans the opportunity to experience it themselves and share it with their friends. Through digital media, print media, and a Facebook app, we interactively gave X-Factor fans an insight into Saint Lucia’s beauty
Through advanced audience segmentation, we were able to tell an X-factor story through social advertising that was most likely to resonate with specific demographic groups, encouraging them to engage and book trips to Saint Lucia through the website. As a result, the website traffic and social media interactions increased notably.